My wish list for 2015.

I have some time this morning so I thought it fun to gather wool by making a wish list. Here it is and let me know what you think or would add to it.

1. I wish agents and readers liked my book automatically.

2. I wish books didn’t cost so much.

3. I wish I could buy cover art in poster size without the pesky titles and names.

4. I wish high school students graduated with the ability to read and write.

5. I wish more people took up a creative hobby or passion–writing, painting, carving, singing, playing an instrument, whatever.

6. I wish self-published books at minimum were edited for grammar.

7. I wish books made into movies were actually as good as the book.

8. I wish Hollywood went back to making fun and original movies.

9. I wish I was fluent in a foreign language.

10. I wish I could write full time.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Cheers


Book review – TIMECASTER by J.A. Konrath

Thank goodness for that micro-social media thingy for alerting me to TIMECASTER by J.A. Konrath. Finally, a usefulness for Twitter–at least in my opinion.

This book was a fun read and the last few chapters were laugh-out-loud funny, mostly because you know the characters so well, like being a fly on the wall. At first, I thought it would be sappy as the author chose to re-spell certain four letter words. I thought maybe he was afraid to use the full vulgarity of what some might consider offensive. But as I read on, I realized it was more than just style, it was part of the world the author built for this particular book.

And what a fun and colorful world, too. The reader follows the protagonist, a peace officer named Talon, around and around a future Chicago with no crime. A Chicago with no crime stretches the imagination to the limits, but hey, it’s the future and the author says so. But seriously, Talon is the unwitting victim of his hero and mentor turned psycho who spent too many years self medicating on steroids. Suddenly Talon finds himself literally fighting for his life repeatedly in a series of Bond-like escapades with just as many miraculous escapes right up to the very end of the book. Talon is an every-man’s hero. He carries a strong sense of what is right and wrong, what’s worth  getting involved in and what’s a silly waste of time. A refreshing taste of morals and values and principles that he sticks to, even when he can’t. Outstanding.

TIMECASTER is full of subtle innuendo and overt slaps at politics – and it’s funny. If your sense of humor does nor or cannot extend to the humorous side of man-made social issues, then maybe you should skip this book. If on the other hand you have an open mind and love a good laugh, then you will appreciate this read.


Oh The Search For Agent or Publisher

Five years ago I made a decision to start writing a book. A sci-fi book to be more precise. I had been growing increasingly frustrated with plucking books off the shelf and reading the same scenario on the back cover. While the cover art is always appealing, well mostly, each pitch sounded the same–aliens or some totalitarian human regime threatens the earth as we know and only one man or one woman can save it all. Perhaps the value is in the chapters rather than the jacket. Regardless, I still read sci-fi but I find I’m more selective. I have recently discovered that new to the genre authors often present a fresh voice and a new take on sci-fi stories.

This was the case from Sarah Zettel who released five original books beginning in the late 90’s. I loved her books–they were fresh and exciting and made you think hard on morals issues. And just last night, I started reading another new to the genre author (though not new to writing) who I am pleased has an eloquent prose and style I found instantly appealing, The Changing of the Sun by Lesley Smith.

But getting back to my own recently finished first sci-fi book, CRASH COURSE. I had fun writing it and I have learned much in the process. The hardest part, however, may be finding agents and publishers to match my manuscript genre. At first I spent time and effort getting my basic query letter and synopsis the way I wanted, with plenty of help from friends more competent in writing than I am, and I thank them all for the feedback.

I sent out five queries and then decided to send out fiver per week. Well, after week two, I have exhausted my list of suitable agents. My primary sources identifying potential agents is Writer’s Digest and Writer’s Market. Lots of agents, only so many seek sci-fi queries and only so many of those are currently accepting queries.

So, next is to peruse the section of publishers in my year old edition of Writer’s Market. So, is it okay to contact a publisher directly? I don’t know. Each agent and publisher has similar but slightly different criteria for submissions and some only take referrals. Great. How do I get a referral. It’s almost like a merry-goose-round.

If you’re reading this and have any suggestions for an agent or publisher, please don’t keep it to yourself. Thank you.

Oh, by the way, find the prologue and first chapter to CRASH COURSE in this blog and pass it on if you like it – and let me know. Cheers


Finally – its here. Chapter 1 to CRASH COURSE

Please enjoy this first chapter. Let me know what you think and share with others if you like it. Thank you.

Troy Sweeney felt the familiar burn in his leg muscles begin to build. Climbing more than two hundred meters nearly straight up the side of the lakeside mountain to the pass above was not exactly a small chore. This particular climb, sans the sixteen-kilogram backpack, should take no more than an hour, despite the barely discernible trail. But today, portions of the trail remained buried under lingering swaths of red algae stained snow, forcing him to seek an alternate route among patches of trees, boulders, and scree-covered soft earth.

A third of the way up, sweating and breathing hard, the effort prompted Troy to pause and shed his outer layer of clothing, strapping long sleeved pullover and zip-off pant legs to his camelback. He took a moment to gaze down toward the cold emerald lake, taking in the view from his mountainside vantage. He spotted his seaplane at the far end of the lake, the smoke from his campfire trailing lazy swirls up and away. Troy took a swig from his water bladder and resumed his climb.

Had the snow not still covered the trail, he may well have made the top by now. This late in the summer, the snow was a little too unpredictable to chance stomping through. One misstep and he would slide non-stop straight down into the ice-cold lake below. No matter, he thought. The trail on this particular route narrowly met the definition of the term so skirting it and picking his own way was no big deal. The only difference was that the marked trail was relatively clear of trees and rocks, and only a little easier to climb.

Troy took another short break to catch his breath and admire the view. He never tired of the magnificent vistas one enjoyed from hiking mountains. Here, deep in the Yukon, Troy saw the snowcapped peaks topping successive lines of ridges and valleys in a one hundred eighty degree arc piercing the distance. Each ridge boasted a different shade of blue-green and eventually blended with the early morning horizon. He looked up to let the sun warm his face. It was going to be another glorious day – clear blue skies with the occasional white puffy cloud drifting by.

Troy resumed his climb, the last third of his ascent in sight. So much easier without a heavy backpack in tow, he thought. This was just a little side trip to get a better view of the world around him. He had already decided that this lake and the surrounding basin would be a suitable destination for the adventurous clients who hired him and his partner for guided outings. That was why he was here in the first place – scouting new locales for the more capable and experienced backpackers. The climb up this mountainside offered a challenge but did not require ropes, cams, carabiners, and grippy shoes to reach the top.

The best part about a simple climb to a pass was the moment one scrabbles the last few meters to the ridgeline, huffing and puffing and sweating, the vast expanse on the other side coming into view the well-earned reward. The view from the top of the pass doubles to three-hundred and sixty degrees. The breeze cool and refreshing, the sight unsurpassed. Troy turned slowly in a circle, drinking in the Yukon as far as he could see. Even at twenty-five hundred meters elevation, he was still well under the tops of the distant snow-capped peaks. Checking his watch, Troy noted the climb actually had taken just under an hour.

Troy took another swig from his camelback and pulled out his old phone to record a short panoramic video of his surroundings. He could the images for marketing purposes on his web page. He also snapped a few still photos of various points of interest. He had hundreds of similar photos but he could never get enough of the spectacular vistas.

He sat down in the lee of a rock, slipped his camelback off his shoulders, and pulled out a power bar to eat. In addition to scouting new locales for Inside Guides, he was also experimenting with homemade power bars of peanut butter, cranberries, and other high energy ingredients. Troy was in no hurry. He had just relaxed back against the rock soaking up the morning sun and the unspoiled view when a distant boom shattered the silence.

Though unexpected, Troy’s only reaction was to look up toward the sky, seeking the source of the sonic boom. He took another bite of power bar, panning his vision the breadth of the horizon. He spotted what he thought was a chemical trail from a highflying jet but could not be certain. As Troy stood up, placing a hand above his eyes to shield against the glare, he caught sight of a brilliant flash of light followed by an arcing line of black smoke chasing a fast moving object. This instantly focused his full attention, power bar forgotten. Troy’s breath caught in his throat but then bottomed out into the pit of his stomach as he realized that whatever the object, it was out of control and blazing a beeline in his general direction. Still shielding his eyes, he wished he had his binoculars. Troy dropped his hand silently cursing himself as he remembered he had packed his binoculars in the camelback.

Troy bent down to pick up his camelback, keeping a wary eye on the object rapidly approaching while he dug out the binoculars. He watched it for the next few seconds, a feeling of dread migrating from stomach to conscience. Oh boy, Troy thought. No, this cannot be about to happen. Nothing like this ever happens to me, he thought. But it was happening, far too quickly for comfort. Troy was no geometry expert but the object’s trajectory, if Troy had to guess, was on course for his mountain top perch.

Troy knew he should get out of the way – any way out of the way. Going left or right, or perpendicular to the probable impact site was preferable. Instinct dictated running away from such an object. However, running away was easier said than done. One does not simply run down the steep side of a mountain covered with snow, loose dirt, and rock. Fall, slide, and roll down – no problem, but not run. Troy looked around for the best escape route if it came to that. His choices were limited; one steep slope or the other, or, along the rocky crest to either side. Common sense pointed out that running away merely reduced the probability of certain death yet fear often freezes the call to action. Troy reacted no differently initially. He stood staring, frozen in place, mesmerized by the sheer improbability of time and place – the odds must be out of this world, he thought – at least three thousand seven hundred something to one.

Troy instinctively dropped down into the ready position – feet spread, knees bent. Again, he looked left and right, indecision now hindering action. The object was still too far out for him to determine the exact point of impact, but he had a feeling he’d know soon enough. Running now could well result in a rather smashing rendezvous. Troy looked up at the approaching object, still coming at him. When he first spotted the falling object, it was kilometers away – now it was significantly closer and still on target for his position.

Troy stopped in his search for an escape route as a new element entered his consciousness – a high-pitched rasping whine, barely audible at first but getting louder – reached his already agitated state of mind. Snap! Troy thought. He wanted to run to safety but morbid curiosity now anchored him in place, eyes glued to the impending disaster screaming his way.

Troy recalled the early days of the African Wars and his training kicked in to take the reins of his emotions. He lowered the binoculars and relaxed his shoulders, took a deep breath. His best course of action was to wait until the object was close enough to determine its most likely impact point and then react accordingly.

If he ran down, he decided the best path was the side he had just climbed. Running to either side along the crest held the least chance of escape because it was rocky and slow. Running laterally just below the crest to either side was an option, again on the steep slope he had just climbed. Of course, Troy thought, the object might not hit the mountain pass at all but fly by and bury itself on the opposite side of the lake or even into the lake itself.

With no good place to run to and take cover, Troy stood ready, watching, and going over his options again. He heard it clearly now, no longer a distant high-pitched scratchy whine, rather a low-pitched roar, steady, like that of a fighter jet engine at take-off throttle. He waited for the inevitable, feeling the suddenly intense heat from the sun on his back and shoulders. It was almost close enough to make out details. Squinting, he could see that it was not exactly an airplane. Probably Yankee junk falling from orbit, Troy thought with slight disappointment. How pathetic to be killed by a falling satellite. Troy ground his teeth together. Really? Death by satellite? The earlier feeling of dread in the pit of his stomach disappeared with that realization. Totally uncool, he thought. He could see the headlines now – ‘Man Killed by Space Junk in the Middle of Nowhere!’ as the newsies compared the odds to lightning strikes and shark bites.

Troy watched the object like a hawk, close enough now to see it wobbling. It was no longer flaming but still trailed smoke, and it had slowed considerably. Troy relaxed his shoulders a bit as it looked as if it was going to overshoot his little mountain pass – if it held course, he amended. He straightened from his crouched ready position, resettling the pack on his shoulders. It was going to miss him, but by how much remained to be determined. Wait, it began losing altitude, entering a nosedive toward his position. Troy prepared himself for the impact, having delayed too long in his escape, but it never came. The high-pitched whine returned as the object wobbled again and inexplicably veered up at the last second, now aiming straight over his head. Whoa! He realized how stupid he had been, paralyzed out of morbid curiosity. Troy ducked and braced again as the object screamed past him, clearing the pass and himself by no more than a meter or two.

Troy had just enough time to lower his arms from his face and turn to follow the object when the turbulence caught him in its wake and sent him tumbling over the side, somersaulting through the air. He caught only a glimpse of the object as it again wobbled before losing power, the high-pitched whine gone, and vectored toward the lake. Troy landed head first on the snow covered trail, sliding and rolling further down the mountainside.

He managed to right himself after sliding a few meters but had little hope of stopping. Propelled by the backwash of the falling object, momentum and gravity took over, the wet snow offered no chance to arrest his plunge. Great, Troy thought. Where’s an icepick when I need one? No longer rolling but more or less sliding on his backside, Troy at least was facing the direction of travel– much quicker than climbing up, he noted.

Troy watched the object impact the lake’s surface. It skipped once and then dived in, causing a small tsunami before sinking. He lost sight of the object’s final resting spot because he had a more immediate concern – the same cold water that just swallowed the unidentified falling object threatened to swallow him.

Troy tried to stop his descent by digging his heels into the snow. Well, that stopped his heels easy enough but it had no effect on the rest of his body, which failed to get the message. The sudden stop of his heels resulted in knees bending up and his butt slamming into his heels, but it was not enough to overcome his seventy kilograms of momentum, which simply shifted, sending him head over heels, somersaulting forward. He rolled once and came back up to the upright position as he continued his slide.

Wiping snow from his face, Troy mentally checked the box next to ‘dig heels in’ as a no go and looked down again. He was almost at the bottom now, the lake rushing to greet him. He was not looking forward to a cold morning bath. It would not be the first time he’d plunged into cold water, though. His military survival training had included cold-water scenarios but those had been voluntary – and he’d had companions and proper gear. This situation was most definitely not voluntary – blown off a mountain followed by an uncontrolled slide two hundred meters-plus down a blanket of snow into a cold lake. This might hurt, he thought wryly. He gritted his teeth, preparing as best he could for the shock to come.

Troy noted the last couple of meters seemed to level out some at the lake’s shoreline. There was also a big bump at the edge of the snowline, no doubt hiding a rock or a log. Troy’s hopes lifted slightly, one last possibility he thought. Maybe he could catch himself, arrest his speed before taking the plunge. He prayed.

Troy briefly thought the shallower incline would help slow his slide, allowing him to catch himself and stop short of the water, but he enjoyed no such luck and he was out of time and at the end of the ride. The snow covered bump, whatever it was, served as a ramp. He hit it hard and fast, feeling a sharp pain in his left buttock as he sailed up and out over the water a good meter or two, belly flopping into the cold clear water.

The shock was worse than expected. The impact didn’t quite knock the air out of Troy, rather it momentarily froze all normal breathing functions as he struggled to surface, finally gasping for air, eyes and mouth wide open. Anyone watching would have described his expression as something far beyond surprise and shock.

Troy found the bottom and stood up waist high in the water in time for waves rippling out from the mid-lake crash site to wash him off his feet again. Down he went for another dip, falling backward this time. Troy finally regained his feet, searching for any sign of the crashed object, whatever it was. Dripping and shivering, He saw only that the expanding ripples were dying down, no trace of the object visible. He turned to head for shore when a new and ominous sound caused him to stop and look up. A series of loud cracks and rumbles reignited the dread feeling from moments earlier. Movement from above caught his attention – a large boulder had broken loose from its perch on the pass he’d just vacated. A dozen smaller boulders gained speed ahead of the big one as they rolled toward his place in the water, trumpeting the impending arrival of the house-sized boulder.

Troy rolled his eyes as he yelled out a series of rather colorful metaphors. He turned and dived, the cold water temporarily forgotten. He began swimming free style, arms stroking and legs kicking furiously. Swimming for his life, Troy fought the urge to look back though he continued to hear the crash and rumble of the boulders cascading down the mountain. Seconds later, having reached the center of the lake, Troy couldn’t help but risk a quick glance behind him. He was in time to catch the last roll of the large boulder as it crushed the snow bank and plowed into the water near where he’d been standing a few moments ago. He noted another round of waves heading his way, but this time he used them to his advantage, to propel him toward the opposite shore and his campsite.

Troy did not consider himself a strong swimmer but he was fairly certain he broke his own personal record for the one hundred meter freestyle. Of course, he thought, the menace of death by boulder on the heels of death by falling satellite provided a certain motivation. Troy was laughing to himself and shaking his head as he reached shallow water and dragged his exhausted body from the lake, shivering. Did he really just survive back-to-back near-death misses in less than five minutes? He stopped and turned to look at the lake and the mountain he’d just climbed, amazed he still breathed after his unorthodox escape. Amazing, he thought – he’d cheated death again today. Nobody is going to believe this story, and of course, he had no proof. Nevertheless, he had more immediate concerns – shedding soaked clothes and warming up before hypothermia set in.

* * *

Jemma Sean had but moments to witness her life flash across her mind’s eye. Flying into the side of a planet was not how she envisioned her life ending. The acceleration couch turned personal protection pod lamented its monotonous litany of emergency crash instructions in her ear. In her near panic state of mind, Jemma heard maybe one out of every four words but actually understood even fewer. She realized the uncontrolled speed of her descent was worrisome, but the sudden stop may shortly become a big problem.

Jemma tried to organize her thoughts in the chaotic thrill-ride gone to hell inside the saucer. She had no idea from where the stray thought of an abrupt stop came from. Maybe she did have a morbid sense of humor after all. Jemma was immobile inside the cage-like cocoon of the crash pod. It was dark inside the saucer except for flashes of sparks, which served to illuminate the smoke filling the cabin with strobing eeriness. At least the air inside the pod was breathable if not fresh. She vaguely remembered that the pod would curl her body into a relatively protective fetal position at the calculated last seconds prior to impact with whatever spot of dirt the pod was about to rearrange. Jemma hoped her contact was able to track her position and rescue her, or recover her body. The saucer lurched violently and her head connected with the sidewall, bringing unconsciousness.

Safety in Everyday Life

Every day I see gross violations of safety that put me and others at risk unnecessarily. I’m not talking about job safety or personal protective equipment. I could quote stats all day long but those are boring and subject to interpretation. These violations that I repeatedly witness are firmly based in the realm of common sense. I realize common sense is not as common as it once was, thanks to our anything-goes society. But these things really get my blood boiling, mostly because I do not understand the why of it. Let’s go through the list and then try to figure out the why.

I travel many miles a day between home, the base gym, and my small fitness studio on the north side of town. A few years ago, the state of Washington made talking or texting on a cell phone while driving illegal. Yet, I see people doing both every day. In fact, I’ve nearly been hit on the freeway and while riding my bike by stupid people talking on their phones and trying to drive at the same time. So what is it with people who talk and text while driving? To claim they do not know it is illegal is beyond ignorance. I say people who drive and talk or drive and text are anything but innocent. They are stupid, irresponsible, disrespectful, careless, I question their morals, values, and ethics, These talking drivers have zero integrity, and are very likely hypocrites. I can guarantee you, there is not one, not a single call or text, that is so important that you must risk my life while you drive with all your drama.

Oh, and another safety violation that is sharply on the rise – running red lights, particularly from left hand turn lanes. When did it become okay to routinely run red lights? What is your hurry? What is so important that you totally disregard safety and the law by running a red light? There is not one person important enough, not even the clown in chief, to warrant ignoring traffic safety wholesale. Who do you think you are?

I also ride my bicycle on the streets for a workout or to go to work. The last time I read the state drivers manual, bicyclist and pedestrians have just as much right to ride or walk along the streets and roads as motorists do. So what gives? Again, what is your hurry? What is so important that you must put me on my bicycle at risk because you can’t be bothered to simply slow down and move over to give me, or any other bicyclist, a full car width’s distance between me and your speeding car? I’ve had drivers pass by me so close that I could have reached out and touched their car. Why? Are you afraid to move over to the other lane? Do you even know that it is okay to slow down and give me extra space when you pass? Please explain to me why you are so careless about other’s lives. I suggest you try riding a bicycle one time on the streets and then you’ll know what it’s like.

This next one never ceases to amaze me. Speeding. Most of you do it. None of you has a valid reason for doing it. So what is wrong with driving the posted speed limit? It’s there for a reason, sometimes for a few reasons. Again, there is nothing so important, so imperative, that you have to speed and risk the lives of others just to get to where you’re going a few seconds sooner. How dare you. How arrogant. How many excuses have you dreamed up? No doubt “I’m late” is the number one excuse, or reason by your wacked out way of thinking. Well, guess what? You running late is not my fault. Nor should it be my risk. Did you know that it is okay to drive the legal speed limit so that everybody is safer?

What would you say to me if you caused me to wreck or if you injured me because you were on your precious cell phone, or if you ran a red light for being impatient? That you were in a hurry, late for your more important job, or that your phone call to your buddy could not possibly wait another five minutes? How pathetic. You better hope you incapacitate me because I will kick your butt for being stupid.

Whew! That felt good to get off my chest. No doubt I’ll sleep much better tonight. But seriously, if you or somebody you know is guilty of any of these common sense safety violations, pass the word and please slow down and think about it. Think how your actions affect others. Remember, it is okay to engage in situational awareness, to be courteous, to get up 10 minutes earlier so you are not late.

Please feel free to comment, but keep it polite and constructive.

The Value of support

I recently learned, or perhaps relearned, the value of supporting like-minded people and interests. Take creativity, for example. I discovered a couple of years ago that to feel better, you need to create something. You should spend time every day or at least several times a week engaging the creative side of your brain. This is not a scientific discovery on my part, though I’m sure there is some government funded research out there somewhere. No. I used my powers of observation at my typical male enhanced light-speed situational awareness-dar.

You may have figured this out long ago but I am male and consequently have a thick skull. In other words, I learn slow but I learn well. Writing is one of my preferred creative mediums. I have recently finished the first draft of my first book, which I started writing back in May of 2009 while on deployed for the AF. Just as cooking is a stress reliever, and a healthier choice, writing is a creative release that makes me feel good after doing it.

As I got more into writing, I joined a few local writer’s groups and started attending meetings. It was the best decision I made regarding my desire to write a book. And then I met a local author who quickly became an inspiration and a pseudo mentor. I was surprised to learn how important he, and one other person I met through the same group, holds to supporting other authors. I thought it was really cool and I decided it was time I followed suit. Very unusual for me because I am quite happy on my own. However, in this case, I would not have finished my first draft without the writer group support.

So, now I support the groups and the authors and soon to be authors whenever I can. And this also makes me feel good. But I think it also makes me a better writer. Part of the support is to read and give feedback to what other’s are writing. It’s a win-win.

This sentiment is also why I admire Hugh Howey for his unwavering support for authors. It is fun to be a part of something. And because of this exposure, I have plans to not only continue writing but to write outside my favorite genre. Those out of the box (genre) ideas have yet to enjoy pen to paper but the ideas are lining up in my little male enhanced brain.

Point is, it’s fun, healthy, and moral to support somebody and something creative. It’s even okay to do so. So go create and go support.


Next book idea

I have not yet published my first book, CRASH COURSE, and already I have a back log of new and interesting ideas for more books. And much to my surprise, my ideas are for different genres. I have started making notes and the first chapter of my next project which is what I would describe as sort of a cross between Star Wars and The Hobbit.

I also plan to write a book about my experience as a maintenance technician for an apartment complex. I can’t wait to tell some of those stories. Yet another, more serious, book is about a middle aged man’s intervening years from military service retirement until he finds a new job during the worst recession (depression) in recent memory. This is where I get to hammer the politicians and the lame stream media and the affect it’s having on our society.

The interesting thing is, I used to think that I could and should work on only one project at a time. But I noticed that many authors work on several projects at once. Amazing. Or, they put out at least one big book a year, if not more. I reckon it takes some practice and that writing for a series helps in this regard.

So a friend of mine just posted that my first book is soon to be published, even as I start on a revision of the firsts draft. I reckon I’d better get to work lest I prove her wrong. Gee. thanks.  🙂


Just when you thought…

… that both sides of the Amazon-Hachette debate had been thoroughly debated, yet a few more arguments for and against surface, adding to, or perhaps muddling, the issue further.

I think some very good arguments have been made on both sides and from several different perspectives. To be honest, I am not quite sure who posits the stronger argument, Amazon, Hachette, or the various authors, both agented and indie. At first the issue was vague and riddled with speculation. Then folks like Hugh Howey offered some clarification. But now, it’s slipping back into the fog again. I reckon that is ok because, hey, my book is not quite ready yet for publishing on any platform.

Still, I believe a business or an author has the right to set whatever price it or he wants. But I also think that it is up to the author to decide how he or she wants to publish and should take the responsibility to negotiate a suitable contract. There is plenty of history and evidence to support a particular price point that makes the author and customer happy – I know it as the free market.

I read just this past weekend that the big publishers colluded to set ebook prices, however, I did not realize it may have been in response to how Amazon tried or wanted to dictate the ebook prices. I actually did anticipate that the price of an ebook would be less than a hard copy for obvious reasons. I was one of the first to receive the new iPad back in spring of ’09 and I thought it was the coolest thing. It meant I no longer had to make space for rows of books shelves in my home – I had a lot of books by the time the iPad launched. I was happy to donate my collection to the local library.

However, much to my annoyance, ebook prices were not lower, even though it seemed they should and could be. So maybe the collusion was forced, a defensive measure. In the grand scheme, I think there will be plenty of room for traditional publishers and multiple ebook platforms – enough to go around for everybody.

I do want to point out that not enough attention is being paid to the gatekeeper role agents play in the published book arena. One could argue that self publishing floods the market with less than quality reading material. Knowing this makes it harder for an avid reader of any genre to find a decent read. One could also argue that this same flood of lesser quality material will dumb down new readers in the long run. I have no proof of this, it’s merely speculation. The same could be said for calculators, GPS (and maps), and common core. I reckon it depends on what generation you hale from.

I will press forward with my plans to e-publish my first book with the various ebook platforms, most likely setting a price I was familiar with growing up in the ’80s.  I hope Amazon and Hachette sort out their differences soon.


The flipside to ebooks and self-publising

Ok, so I met with some good friends last evening who are sorta, kinda, in the business, in one way or another. Of course, more discussion helps the conversation re Amazon-Hachette, as it’s become known, and ebook prices and author royalties. I should clarify my own position, or rather how plan to position myself and why. In my previous posts, I indicated I plan to self publish via an ebook platform for my first book, hopefully out this fall. Most likely, it will be with Amazon but that does not mean I won’t also choose other ebook platforms in addition to Amazon. However, my choice does not necessarily mean that I approve of Amazon’s position.

I do believe an author, or an artist, or a musician, or a singer, should be paid a majority percentage for his or her work. Why? Because the author has put in the time and effort, the creativity, the hard work, the hours on the keyboard, etc. to produce his book. He should not receive less than 51%. After all, if not for the author, not one publisher, agent, editor, and ebook peddler, would be in business.

I do believe, for the most part, in the free enterprise system. Which means the maker of a product or service should be allowed to set the price at whatever he, she, or they thing the market will bare. I think it is unfair for Amazon, who merely acts as a middle man, has any business dictating what prices a seller can or should set. Does the etail giant even make anything?

On the other hand, authors have more than one choice available to them so one does not need to sell a book via Amazon. I could argue that the proliferation of self published ebooks has added to the slush pile, saturating the Amazon platform with less than quality work. Let’s face it, some singers should not sing, some painters should not paint, and some authors should not write. This is where agents and editors act as sort of quality gate keepers in my opinion. Ensuring at least a decent minimum standard for readers. This is how it is for first time drivers, accountants, doctors, pilots, dentists, other technical positions and professions, and professionals. Our society needs minimum standards to achieve, to compete, and to excel. Why lower that standard?

I still plan to go the ebook route for my first book, however, I intend to pitch my second book to an agent and go both routes. For me, signing with an agent and hopefully a publisher, would be a sort of validation for my work, that and any resultant sales that follow. Besides, there is no reason I cannot do both.


What price to set

Thanks to all the debate surrounding the Amazon-Hachette issues, and also thanks to the excellent and relevant analysis by Hugh Howey, I have decided to self publish my first book on Amazon. But now I have to determine the right price.

There are a few factors to consider. I’m a new author, brand new in fact. I’m still in the revision phase which I’m confident will make my manuscript better and ready to publish. But I’ve read that .99c is perhaps not the best price to set, except maybe initially. Neither is the high end of 19.99 or even 24.99 like many of the new hardbacks. Somewhere in between, then.

There is some merit in getting paid for your writing, just like a painter, a singer, or a musician, so setting it too low yields very little but setting it too high also yields very little. The right price should be adequate to reward my efforts as the author and some for the platform of delivery, in my case, Amazon. It is hard to fathom the behind the scenes extent to which Amazon has gone to allow and enable authors to peddle their work. The potential audience reach is almost unlimited, thanks to virtual global commerce and the rather cool invention of the iPad and other similar devices.

I remember back when I first got seriously into reading books – fourth grade I believe. Thanks to my teacher, Mrs. Karstens, I love to read and I believe it has made me a smarter person because of it. When I was finally out on my own, making my own purchasing and budgeting decisions, I recall that paperbacks cost on average less than five bucks. Yes, I realize that reveals something of my age, but so what. The point is I feel strongly about setting a price for my work that is as easy as possible for folks to buy and read but still do right by me the author and whatever entity provides the platforms.

I’m thinking between 2.99 and 4.99. It will depend on the final outcome after I complete my revision, which I plan/hope will be no later than fall.
